How to Join
Lifetime membership to the Shell Travel Club is open to any current or former Shell employee in the UK. The fee to join is only £5 per person and is a one-off payment. To become a Member, complete the Life Membership Application Form and return it by email to the Shell Travel Club Membership Secretary. Once the Membership Secretary has verified your details, you will be emailed details as to where to send your membership fee.
For non-Shell employees an Associate Membership is also available. To become an Associate Member, a current Member must provide a written recommendation of your membership to the Club Membership Secretary. You must also complete the Associate Life Membership Application Form and return it by email to the Membership Secretary. Once the Membership Secretary has verified your details, you will be provided with details as to how to pay for your membership fee.
Robert Jenkins
Research Co-Ordinator
Allison Jenkins
Committee Member
Steve Jones
Club Secretary
Robert Fowler
Membership Secretary/Web Admin
Sally Dean
Committee Member
Frieda Boase
Rex Sinden
Committee Member
Bruce Ogilvy
Committee Member
Jonathan Boase